Category Archives for "Blog"


I’ve had this video I’m sharing with you on my computer for a few years now. I never shared it and I’m pretty sure I know why…  I talk about elimination (pooping) I talk about farting in public I talk about God and give a Biblical reference The video quality isn’t so great But still […]

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Decluttering Like a Minimalist

I recently did a Facebook Live titled: How Thinking Like a Minimalist can Catapult You to Declutter with More Ease (Without Needing to be a Minimalist) and here is the recording. Even if you saw it live, This is the edited version. Nothing was taken out of importance, I just took out the stuff in […]

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Facebook Live Invitation: Minimalism and Dejunking

ON Tuesday and Wednesday, October 6th and 7th (Tuesday and Wednesday) EST (New York Time) You are inviting to join me on Facebook where I will go live and discuss “How thinking like a Minimalist can catapult you to declutter with more ease than you ever dreamed possible (without needing to be a minimalist)”  and […]

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Toss It Out Tuesday- Bedding and Linens

Today for “Toss It Out Tuesday,” how about we take a look at our bedding? How long has it been since you’ve freshened up the bedding at home? Maybe you’re someone who buys a new comforter and keeps the old one, shoved in the basement, attic or closet never to be seen again. Let’s take […]

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One thing to do today.

It’s “You’re Welcome Wednesday!” Can you think of something that is being neglected that you really like at home and you need to show some appreciation for? *Do you have a porcelain figure you love but it’s covered in dust? *Do you have a vanity that is covered with stuff?*A coffee station that has become […]

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Fuggedaboutet Friday! Anchors

Do you have things that are connected to a bad feeling, a bad time in your life? Maybe a relationship from the past that was not good for you? It could be something that is filled with regret, something that reminds you of what you didn’t do and wish you did, or something you did […]

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Toss it Out Tuesday (undies)

Introducing! Toss out Tuesday! The first post of its kind! This Tuesday let’s talk about underwear. Those items of clothing that we put on under our clothing on the bottom portion of our bodies. Check them out, are there any that have seen a better day? Are there too many of them? Did you get […]

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We are on our last 4 days! We have been getting together during the pandemic, getting stuff done at home and spending time together. There are 2 things I want you to know about:  1. It’s been so wonderful for everyone who has participated, that I’m going to keep it up, but not on an […]

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De-clutter with me?

UPDATED POST: Do you want to de-clutter with me? Right now, on top of battling boredom, loneliness, financial struggles, clutter, and for many of us a houseful of people that are normally not home 24/7, I thought this would be a blessing to you. I set up this zoom meeting where we can get together […]

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How to Get Control of Your Life

This might seem super simple but it is one of the most important things to haven place to get control of your life. Having a daily routine to follow and doing it without distraction. There are free templates I provide and you can get them by clicking on the link . I have a […]

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What matters most

In my Tidy Tidy world. We have specific days set aside for things that have to get done. This way we’re not crazily fitting things into our week panicked trying to dodge one consequence of the other. One of those days is called *”Family Day” this is a day set aside for people who matter […]

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Choosing Happy

Did you ever say “when this gets done, then I can be happy?” or “when I make this much money then I will be happy?” Or “when I lose this weight then I’ll be happy?”   You fill in the blank…   It’s really not true that anything changing on the outside will make us […]

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The Importance of Loving Yourself

Today I”m reading another chapter in the book I’ve written “Finally Organized!” It is Chapter 8 titled: Love Yourself If you would like to have a copy of this book free you can grab one HERE. It is an ebook so you will get instantly. Step 7 – Humbly accept the fact that we are […]

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Complete: Clean a Messy Room with Me Series

I started this blog where we clean a messy room together.  I decided to do it as a series, and I am calling it: “How to Clean a Messy Room” (creative right? LOL) In May, while getting ready to go on a trip to Ireland I was put in that awkward position of packing for […]

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Clean a Messy Room with Me Series

Last week I started this blog where we clean a messy room together.  I explained that the reason I did it was I had a series on “How to Clean a Messy Room” from a long time ago. One of my children moved out of the nest and left a mess and I didn’t want […]

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How to Clean a Messy Room Part 1-3

A few years ago I did a blog series called “How to Clean a Messy Room” but I was never really happy about it. The reason I did it was one of my children moved out of the nest and left a mess and I didn’t want to wait for her to come back and […]

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A very odd blog…

Do you know what brought me to the World-Wide-Web, writing blogs and creating YouTube videos? It was divorce. One week before my 19th birthday I said, “I do!” and stayed married fo 26 years. I sincerely believed that I would be married forever. My husband would work to financially support the family, I would take […]

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Clean the house with me today?

This is my first group decluttering/cleaning day It is not too late for you to join me. Five to six hours set aside to get work done in the house with direction and motivation, inside an online meeting.If you have time set aside today to get housework done, why not make it count! Here are super […]

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I want to succeed in my life

Did you know that the Organizationally Challenged Person (YOU!) have all that it takes built in to succeed? … and that 92% of all people that set goals don’t reach them? Did you know that out of the 8% that do achieve their goals, the majority of them are Organizationally Challenged? There is a level of spontaneity and creativity that […]

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How to Tackle an Overwhelming Task

This blog was inspired by Rose, one of my members inside my Tidy Tutor Insider world, she posted what I have quoted below… “It still amazes me how we OC [Organizationally Challenged] people perceive time. There was a task I wanted to get done this morning, and I really didn’t want to do it. But, […]

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When Emergency comes-a-callin

I got a call about 1am from my younger daughter Emily. “Mom, call Katie! I can’t hear you, it’s too loud where I am. This is Alyssa’s phone, mine is dead, i can’t help Katie because I don’t have my car. I can’t hear you. Just call her” I hung up and called Katie. She […]

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Setting Goals for The New Year

This time of year comes with hope and panic. Hopeful that it will be better and panic because Time is of the Essence, if we don’t come up with a plan to make it better we know nothing is going to change. Last year we wanted to do X Y and Z but either we didn’t start or […]

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Stop fixing what isn’t broken

I have something radical to say. Radical for The Tidy Tutor and something I’m really excited about that I’ve learned recently. We need to stop thinking that we have to “GET” organized…. I mean it… STOP SAYING YOU HAVE TO GET ORGANIZED!!! …let me explain… Here is where my thinking of this started and it […]

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Can Bad seem Good?

Did you ever notice that when we change something for the better we often get stuck and don’t move ahead to achieve exactly what we pictured when we began? Something happens when we go from Horrible to better, even bad to OK… We don’t recognize that things are still not good. We can be tricked into […]

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How amazing you are

If you have always been a mess, from as way back as you can remember… if you were always feeling like you were different than the other girls like I did… I always felt like there was something wrong me because I couldn’t keep my room clean, my desk in school was embarrassing and I […]

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“Messy People are just Productive Genius” no baloney!

Eight percent of all people in the world know how to get what they want. How do I know that? Because that is the percentage of people who realize their goals. Ninety-two Percent of all people who set goals do not achieve them (I know you’re not surprised) I have a question for you, do you think that all of those […]

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It’s not just about the holidays

Pam Young and I will be presenting a live webinar sharing our combined experience on how to have the holidays be a wonderful time regardless of the budget or the condition the house is in. We got together recently talking about our event and I share a video with snippets of our chat together. Both […]

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How to Love the Holidays again!

When I got married I thought I would be the perfect homemaker. I envisioned the white picket fence, my husband coming home from work happy to see me and all ready to sit down to a hot meal I’ve prepared… The children would be happily playing running to see daddy… and me? I’d be getting […]

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Getting Organized – Doing it Alone

This is a recording of a live online meeting I had with my Tidy Tutor Peeps. I’m sharing it with you to give you a sneak peek of what goes on after you register to TTU and to share with you what Donna, a recent student wrote me about the video. Here’s what she wrote: […]

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A wedding story, Hoarding and freedom

Marriages begins with absolute high hopes. Rose never believed that hers would end with a divorce, but as so many of us in this generation has experienced it did. And for those of us who have been through a divorce we know the aftermath of it. Our identities were all wrapped up as a couple. […]

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Throw it Out Thursday – Emotional Clutter

What do we do with emotional clutter. What do we do with the stuff that is taking up space in our head? Even though we can’t see the stuff, it still exists and it is taking up valuable space in our lives. In this video I talk about how stuck we can get when we […]

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How to Bring Peace and Harmony at Home

In September of 2016 I took a drive to Virginia by myself, from NJ it is about a 7 hour trip. Elizabeth, a member of my Tidy Tutor Family knew about it from a Facebook Post and private messaged me. She let me know that her home was located half way into my journey, and […]

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Our Mom Was a Horder

I read an article titled: “Our Mom was a Hoarder.” by Jennifer O’Neill The article’s main purpose was to help others, “who remain silent in their shame about hoarding or living with a hoarder…” It was written by 2 siblings who grew up in a home that was overrun with clutter and mess and disrepair […]

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My Spring declutter Promise and my vulnerability

I did this video to kinda apologize… I promised a regular video blog but I kinda dropped the ball. I didn’t keep it going cause I didn’t like how I looked in any of the videos I tried to do. I won’t write any more. I’ll let the video speak for itself. Love, Kathy The […]

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Preparing For Spring!

In the North East it is still cold, there is snow on the ground but it is melting! I’m doing some videos so that we will be prepared for the change in season. Here is one thing we can do that will prepare us. When you are washing clothes, when clothes are either going in the […]

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2 Spring Has Sprung!

It was spring a few days ago and I started to do some “prepare for Spring Videos”. Here is the first one, look for a series of preparing for spring videos in your mail box. If you are not hooked up with me via email get your name and email in so that you won’t […]

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Room Cleaning 101

I used to be so overwhelmed with housework, especially when a room was a real mess. To avoid going to bed with a pint of Hagendaz and a spoon, setting a goal to get the house cleaned up needed to be done specifically. We can’t just say “My Goal is to have a clean kitchen.” […]

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Room Cleaning 101

I used to be so overwhelmed with housework, especially when a room was a real mess. To avoid going to bed with a pint of Hagendaz and a spoon, setting a goal to get the house cleaned up needed to be done specifically. We can’t just say “My Goal is to have a clean kitchen.” […]

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Dreams Coming True and Getting Organized

What does Dreams Coming True and Getting Organized have to do with each other? EVERYTHING!! How many things do you NOT do because you have to get the house cleaned up first? How many things do you NOT do because of the overwhelm that your everyday life brings with it? How many things do you NOT do […]

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The power of daily routines

Joh C Maxwell said… I had just read that quote and thought about how true that statement is… so I did this video just outside the gym to talk to you about it. Us OCP (Organizationally Challenged People) Tend to think that doing a daily routine is boring and rigid and we don’t want any part of that. […]

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How To Have Your Most Organized Year Yet

You know what the deal is… A New Year is here. New goals, new hopes and dreams of making this year better than last year. If you’re like most everybody, you start out with great intentions but they never last, and before ya know it you don’t even remember what you wanted anymore. Except for […]

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Getting over the Holiday Blues

The holiday season is a difficult time for most of us. After Christmas is over we can get into a funk, especialy with a new year approaching. Lots of people are lonely on Christmas day, and when it is all over it can really make us feel even worse looking back at it. Or mayeb for […]

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What do you want for Christmas?

I received some comments on Facebook about making it available to have Tidy Tutor University as a Christmas Present. So… I made a way for you to ask for it! With all the clutter we have, the last thing we want is another thing. Asking for TTU for Christmas is like asking for a gift […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

I did this video back in 2012, a twist on “The Night Before Christmas” It is titled, “The Night Before Thanksgiving” If you are stressed about the holidays, this might help 🙂 Twas the night before thanksgiving and all through the house, my kids were having cocktails and I was a grouch. Knowing tomorrow would […]

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What Tim Said…

I recently had a webinar and Tim (one of my original students) joined it. Someone asked a question about Tidy Tutor University. They said there are so many videos and so much help that I offer on Youtube for free, they wanted to know why they should enroll in my course. What else could I […]

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It can happen, I promise, No bullshit!

FOUR DAY, KICK ASS 1/2 Price Tidy Tutor University Sale [button_1 text=”Enroll%20Today!” text_size=”32″ text_color=”#000000″ text_bold=”Y” text_letter_spacing=”0″ subtext_panel=”N” text_shadow_panel=”Y” text_shadow_vertical=”1″ text_shadow_horizontal=”0″ text_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ text_shadow_blur=”0″ styling_width=”40″ styling_height=”30″ styling_border_color=”#000000″ styling_border_size=”1″ styling_border_radius=”6″ styling_border_opacity=”100″ styling_shine=”Y” styling_gradient_start_color=”#ffff00″ styling_gradient_end_color=”#ffa035″ drop_shadow_panel=”Y” drop_shadow_vertical=”1″ drop_shadow_horizontal=”0″ drop_shadow_blur=”1″ drop_shadow_spread=”0″ drop_shadow_color=”#000000″ drop_shadow_opacity=”50″ inset_shadow_panel=”Y” inset_shadow_vertical=”0″ inset_shadow_horizontal=”0″ inset_shadow_blur=”0″ inset_shadow_spread=”1″ inset_shadow_color=”#ffff00″ inset_shadow_opacity=”50″ align=”center” href=”″/]

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What If Everyone Was Stopping At Your House?

Debbie posted in our private group, letting us know about her recent triumph! (Please see it below) I asked Debbie if I could share it with you, and she was happy to help  spread the word about the success she’s experienced because of  Tidy Tutor University! Debbie knows how hard it is to keep up with […]

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Our Dejunking Challenge!

OK… Imagine this… Your Dream Job Called…and you’ve been hired! They accepted your pay requirement and added a mega bonus because they are so happy that they found you! You not only got the job, but the request you made to be transferred to their location in *Fill in the blank* was granted! Hawaii, New York, […]

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Crisis Cleaning 101

This was actually the first video I ever did. It was in July of 2011,  before I was “The Tidy Tutor.” All I knew then was I wanted to help people who were just like me get organized, but I wasn’t sure how I could do it. I asked God actually, and this video was his idea, […]

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Getting Organized, Setting Goals

Once a week members of my “Tidy Tutor Insiders” get together and we have a live online meeting (I call the Cawfee Tawks) and I wanted to share one of them with you today. The topic: “The Fear of Getting it together”. Have you ever noticed that when you get closer and closer to a […]

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Get Motivated And Get Started!

Do you need a stress free couple of months? Has the first four months of 2016 felt a bit like a race to catch up without any relief in sight? How about at home? Is there a constant list of “things to do” that just keep piling up and nothing seems to be getting done […]

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Capsule wardrobe essentials

This past weekend I did marathon Periscopes. If you don’t know what “Periscope” is, it is a new technology that allows people to be connected via live video. The person doing the Periscope can be seen but the viewers can’t, BUT they can communicate through the keyboard, so there is an exchange, it’s fun. Periscopes […]

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Spring Cleaning, Do we need it?

What is it about spring that makes every woman in the world think that it is time to scrub the house down from ceiling to floor? We know many women who do this, the OGPs (Organizationally Gifted People) of the world. Their houses are immaculate, yet still, spring comes and they determine that it is […]

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Don’t Pass it Up Pick It Up Cawfee Tawk

Recently I invited everyone to be on a Cawfee Tawk because the recoding didn’t record and I had to re-do it and didn’t want to be all alone talking to no one. So here is the replay. [video_player type=”url” placeholder=”” url1=”” url2=”” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL2Nhd2ZlZS10YXdrL2N0LXJlZG8tMy0xLTE2LWRvbnQtcGFzcy5tcDQ=[/video_player] Here is the Q and A portion of […]

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17 What The Bleep Do We Know?

I am on a retreat. If you have ever heard of the documentary “What The Bleep Do We Know?” which asked the question: “What is our purpose? Where do we come from? What is reality?” then you know that it featured a neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispensa, and I am at a weekend workshop that he […]

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My underwear drawer

There is a new app called Periscope, it is live streaming video, we can actually BE together and I do real life stuff in my apartment and when I’m out or at my families house if there is a topic that will work for Tidy Tutor, I do a periscope on it. The videos are […]

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Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year My Tidy Family! This year, there is going to be a lot of changes in our Tidy Tutor World and program! Tidy Tutor University is going to be a 6 month course, broken up into small bites, with weekly Q & A sessions. Everyone will feel able to find the time to get […]

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9 On Starting a New Life

I have begun a blog a while back about my journey. I sold my 4 bedroom home, moved an hour away from my family, doing what I’ve always wanted to do and being afraid in the process. I didn’t continue with the blog because I thought to myself, “Who really cares?” I was even afraid […]

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Homemaking Help for the Holidays

I have an amazing offer for you this month. When you click on the link, for only $7 you will have amazing help for Christmas. I have templates and downloads for you to keep track of Christmas gifts, a plan for the holiday, a plan for your holiday menu and for eating, even if you […]

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Cyber Monday Sale!

I had a Cyber Monday sale for TTU but didn’t get it out till late because I didn’t realize it was Monday. I thought it was Sunday still. I’m all messed up with dates and times because I traveled back in time (sort of) having just left Vietnam on Saturday. So I am extending the […]

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Consequences of Disorder

Have you ever pulled an all-nighter because you put something importat off? Can’t you remember how that felt? The panic, the exhaustion the dread! Ugh! Us OCP (Orgaizationally Challenged People) have a warped perception of time we think everythign takes too long. We don’t know what to do or when to do it, so it […]

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What is wrong with me?

I’m on the beach getting this message out to you. I’ve got a houseful and my 4 DAY SALE is happening TONIGHT at midnight, so… I had to be creative and figure out how to get this email to you NOW. This was a great solution, and fun too! In this video I share a […]

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How’s Your Summer?

How is your summer going? Have you been taking time to enjoy it? When you did take the time, was it difficult not to feel guilty because of the mess you left at home? Or did you sacrifice your summer to get the house together? …and how did that go? I’ve been where you are. […]

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2 It was scary…

I’ve been doing a video series on my experience of moving from my four-bedroom home to a one-bedroom apartment. Downsizing and also just the experience of being alone for the first time in my whole fifty four years of living. The topic today is the emotional side of it. It was really, really difficult. It […]

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8 “I Am a Mom!” Proclamation

I recently saw a post on my Facebook Newsfeed. It was an image that read: “I am a mom, My house is always loud and messy.  And that’s ok, because one day it will be quiet, spotless and lonely.” While it certainly is not my style to diss anyone for their creativity or opinion, it is my style to speak up about […]

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7 My Apartment Tour

This is the video I promised. I am giving a tour of my apartment. There are many things I wanted to talk about in detail when doing this video, but I realized that it would be best for me to first just give a tour and then do little videos about all that other stuff in the weeks to […]

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FREE Webinar tonight!

Tonight I am having a FREE webinar at 7pm EST to help you make a plan to get out of the mess to enjoy the nice weather to come! The image below was what happened here, at my apartment last night. I had begun to cover my refrigerator with contact paper because it was dented […]

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2 It’s about happy…

I just wanted to remind you that, “It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being happy.” So often we DON’T do anything because it looks like we won’t be able to do it right… Who’s to say what is right? We can define our own RIGHT. Starting somewhere will get you closer to the finish […]

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Rom by Room Webinar

This is a systematic way to get through the house, one room at a time. I tried my best to give all the information I could in one meeting, and I am really happy with it.    If you feel like you need more help… I am offering my course for 30 days free, check […]

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Welcome To TTU

This was a live webinar I had for new students who enrolled in Tidy Tutor University.  If you are in a mess and want to get out of it, listen to this webinar and see if TTU is for you.  Then click on the link and come on in! Www.TheTidyTutor.Com/TTU If you want to enroll […]

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Essential Getting Started with TTU

[fvplayer src=”″ splash=””] Sign up for Tidy Tutor University here: www. 

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Gorgeous Chaos?

This is a blog that I did last Year in January, I thought it was a great one to share today for Motivation Monday. Let me know what you think. Today we’re going to talk about something called “Relative Deprivation”. Relative Deprivation was a concept coined by a sociologist (Samuel Stouffer) during WWII who discovered […]

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2 Step by Step Help and instruction

I created a Facebook Group called “ROOM BY ROOM” CLICK HERE TO JOIN MY ROOM BY ROOM FACE BOOK GROUP! I did it because I know that people need help cleaning up a room that is a mess, especially if your entire house is a wreck. Doing it one room at a time with help […]

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2 Holiday Menu ideas

When there is a special occasion on your horizon and all the holiday party ideas look like so much work, sometimes it can cause us lots of stress and grief. I want you to just relax, because I’m going to show you a plan to avoid the work so that you can enjoy the day along […]

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5 The Night Before Thanksgiving Poem

I know this doesn’t pertain to everyone who follows me, some of you are not in The States and don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but still this will benefit you too. I wrote this poem on Thanksgiving Eve 2012. A lot has changed since then in my world… This is my own rendition of The night before […]

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Is it ever too late?

My son Georgie came over today and shared a music video with me. He said, after watching it he wished that he could play the violin. I told him that my father died at 85 and he always wanted to play the piano. My father actually did play the piano and beautifully, but not the […]

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Head Start to the Holidays!

The holidays are going to be here before you know it, and along with all the joy that this time of year brings it also brings stress, and headaches and pressure and lots of work. If you are in a mess when the holiday season comes around it can suck the joy right out of […]

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1 Head Start to the Holidays

We are going to get a Head Start to the Holidays! Now if you don’t know what this is all about, it is an on-line course; October, November, and December to get ready for the holiday season and the upcoming year! We get started RIGHT NOW with a bonus September video FREE! Your first step […]

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1 How to Get Organized Free Book!

I am gifting to you my book, Finally Organized.When you click on the video below you will hear me reading chapter 8, “Love Yourself.”  I hope you like it.  It is kinda free, It won’t cost you any money… All that I ask is that you tell other people where they can get a copy free […]

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Help for the baby boomer women, snow blowing

Freaking snow… Happy Fagetaboudet Friday! OH… And Happy Valentines Day too. This video has nothing to do with Valentines day, but it is apropos, I think. Ultimately it is about roles of men and women in relationship to jobs that need to be done… and how things change when we are alone in many respects. […]

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1 Fagetaboutet Friday!

OK, Ya Ready? You woke up and the house is a wreck, you want to do something but you don’t know where to start. I’m helping you. Maybe you are still in your jammies and still looking a little funky. The first thing you do is take a shower. Get dressed and groomed. I have […]

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