Category Archives for "Additional Goodies"

8 “I Am a Mom!” Proclamation

I recently saw a post on my Facebook Newsfeed. It was an image that read: “I am a mom, My house is always loud and messy.  And that’s ok, because one day it will be quiet, spotless and lonely.” While it certainly is not my style to diss anyone for their creativity or opinion, it is my style to speak up about […]

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Tidy Tutor Fitness

[button_3 text=”get-started-now.png” align=”center” href=”” new_window=”Y”/] Tidy Tutor Insiders is offering a new course addition, TIDY TUTOR FITNESS! If you are an Insider and have always wanted to get fit and have help doing it, check out what Katie is working on for us on the 17th inside of If you are not part of […]

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Are we Housekeepers?

What is a House Keeper? Is it important to Keep House? What does it mean to Keep House? How To Clean A Home: Organization For The Home & Your Life The subject of this video is housekeeping, Why is this topic important? Why must you keep this topic in your mind always? How is it […]

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Comfort Zones

I have received  many emails with this same particular theme:”Why does it feel so wrong when I let go of things that I WANT to let go of!”  or “How can I get rid of things I want to get rid of, when it feels so bad to do it?!”One of my Tidy Tutor University […]

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2 Complimentary “Cawfee Tawk”

Every week I do a live webinar meeting called “Cawfee Tawk” It is inside my members area which is an “exclusive members only” area where we get extra support and are with TTU grads and students who are laser focused on change. (you can visit here and find out more: Well…I put the most […]

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Sunday Live Free Online Class

CLICK HERE!!!! TO ENROLL IN SUNDAYS CLASS! 10/14/12 I am sooooo excited!! This amazing, fabulous, life changing course that I teach is coming to you online LIVE this Sunday 3pm EST It is just in time to get ready for the holidays! When New Years rolls around this year, you will not be saying “This […]

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How Long ???

FREE TRAINING! CLICK HERE TO JOIN ME LIVE Thursday October 11!!! FREE TRAINING!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN ME FOR LIVE!!! Click link below to Enroll in Free Training I used to wake up every day and ask myself what was wrong with me. I worked all day, every day, and got nothing done. The […]

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Ladies Rooms

Click on image below to watch the video Name: Email: Now I know that my forte is about getting organized, staying organized and living a happier life while being organized. And so this might be a far cry from that, but I don’t think so… You tell me… It has to do with CLEAN for […]

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TIOT – Living in 240 Square feet

I read an article that inspired this TIOT. (Link to the article) It was titled: How a couple Lives in a 240-square-foot apartment by Lori Zimmer Don’t you always get inspired when you visit other people’s homes? People who live simply, without clutter and a lot of stuff. I remember I couldn’t wait to […]

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1 Tidy Tutor Tip – Say No

OK, right now we are going to discuss saying no. This is very important. You have got to grasp the SAY NO habit to become organized. Slob stands for: Spontaneous, Light hearted, Optimistic, and Beloved. The main reason we are beloved is because we say yes to everyone when they want something from us or […]

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7 TT Tip – Laundry

Here is something that is EASY and you will not believe how great it will work!You will be so happy about how laundry issues will become a thing of the past. Before bed you are to put a load of laundry in the washing machine and when you first wake up you are to put […]

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12 Tip #2 – Do It Now

We are initiating a new habit, and we are calling it the “Do it Now Habit” I believe I speak for all of us O.C.P. (Organizationally Chal- lenged People) when I say that we are master procrastinators. I’ll do it later is as natural for us to proclaim as it for us to say “Hello” […]

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