Dejunk and organize the clothes in your dresser with me.

Did you know that I have a free video series that you can sign up for?

We dejunk together.

When you sign up for it you get one video a day for 5 days.

Here are the areas we have dejunked together for the first 5 days:

* Underneath the bathroom sink
* Tupperware cabinet
* a lot of laundry and we dejunk the clothes as we go.
* a catch-all-closet
* paper piles (with an added bonus of a system to keep all papers tidy from now on and a wonderful filing system to boot)

After the 5 days are over, those who sign up for this series get one video a month on or around the 15th where we do another section of the house.

Here is the first “monthly” dejunking video that those who signed up for the series will get…

In this month’s video I am dejunking and organizing the clothes in my dresser and also I am swapping out last seasons clothes for this season. Why not get in front of your dresser, click on the video and go through your clothes while I do mine?

I hope you enjoy it AND that you will sign up for this free video series HERE!




PS. If you would like to be a part of our next workshop to get ready for the holidays it is happening LIVE online on the 26th of October. Pam Young and I share our tried and true tips to make the holidays fun! After the session is over, you will receive a recording of it to review as often as you like. Sign up now and make this holiday season more fun and less work! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP

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