Tidy Tutor Fitness

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Tidy Tutor Insiders is offering a new course addition, TIDY TUTOR FITNESS!

If you are an Insider and have always wanted to get fit and have help doing it, check out what Katie is working on for us on the 17th inside of https://blog.thetidytutor.com.

If you are not part of Tidy Tutor Insiders or  Tidy Tutor University, now is a great time to get in! Tidy Tutor Fitness will help you to get your “self” together as you get your life together and get organized!

On the 17th of August 2014 when we introduce Tidy Tutor Fitness, it will be our first day of our 30 day challenge to start and stay fit.

If you enroll NOW you will have an awesome bonus! 4 weeks of Q & A webinars with additional motivation to keep going. This bonus Q & A group personal coaching will never be offered as part of Tidy Tutor Fitness without an additional fee again! (Tidy Tutor Fitness, however, will always be a part of your Tidy Tutor Insiders membership, along with all our other “classes”)

If you can’t make it live to our Q & A group personal coaching sessions, simply email me your questions and personal challenges and we will address them on our webinar and you can get your answers on the recorded archive! It’s a win/win!


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