Dejunking Together: Month # 1 Our dressers and swapping seasonal clothes

Remember when you signed up for the dejunking series?  You got one video a day for 5 days.

We dejunked:

*Underneath the bathroom sink

*Tupperware cabinet

*a lot of laundry and we dejunked the clothes as we went

*a catch-all-closet

*and paper piles part 1 and part 2 (with an added bonus of a system to keep all papers tidy from now on and a wonderful filing system to boot)

I promised you one video a month on or around the 15th where we will dejunk another area togethger.

Here is the first “monthly” dejunking video.

We go through our dressers and it happens to be when I am swapping out my winter for summer clothes.

I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you are looking forward to next months space we do together!

Leave a comment and let me know what you think and how you did!



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