Category Archives for "Webinars"

Cawfee Tawk – Selfless Selfishness

Step 7 – Humbly accept the fact that we are wonderful just as we are,even if we never pick up an article of clothing, or wash a dish;even if nothing changes externally at all. The mindset that all external criteria must be in line for any individual to be happy with themselves is bogus. Everyone’s […]

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Other People’s stuff (CLUTTERING UP YOUR HOUSE!)

[audio_player style=”1″ url=”″] When we have things that we want to give someone it is really with a giving heart. We know we have really good items that someone could use, so we call them. “Shelly, I have great size 4 clothes for Margo, they are all like new, some never worn!” Shelly says, “Great! […]

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Cawfee Tawk (House-Keeping)

What is a House Keeper? Is it important to Keep House? What does it mean to Keep House? How To Clean A Home: Organization For The Home & Your Life The subject of this video is housekeeping, Why is this topic important? Why must you keep this topic in your mind always? How is it […]

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