Emily is having a baby

Emily is having a baby. This is a video of me, letting you know about it while we were shopping for an outfit for her baby shower that is being held this Sunday.

If you haven’t been with me long you probably don’t know Emily.

Emily is my 19 year old daughter.

If you have been with me for a while, than you know her.

She was 17 when I started doing videos and there has been many changes as to her look.

She is a great sport and has been a part of many videos, has taken videos of me, and has put up with a lot of, not so natural stuff. Really, who has video equipment set up in their home and requires quiet cause mommy is shooting?

And who has to put up with a mother who see’s a video opportunity in every aspect of life, even making grilled cheese!

Emily is only 19 and still in college. I am 52 and didn’t quite have this kind of thing planned at this time in my life.

But here we are, and believing that this is right where we should be, we are moving forward.

I wanted to let you know the news because the baby is due in April and you will surely see all the happenings as they happen.

It does give me great opportunity to cover many topics.

Planning parties, bringing home baby, help organizing for young mothers, as well as creating boundaries to ensure self care. I am sure there are many more topics that will come up…

I am sharing a few videos that Emily has helped with. You will really agree that she is a great sport.

Much Love,
The Tidy Tutor

Oh! Tidy Tutor University is starting up in March. PLEASE take every opportunity to attend. It will prove to be one of the best decisions you ever made.

I am offering a 30 day money back guarantee and the course is 1/2 the normal cost for enrollment. The perks area amazing and will not always be available.

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Leave a Reply 4 comments

Tim Leap - Reply

Em is just super !

Terry Boyer - Reply

Am so happy to be part of your world and yes, your life will change a little! (smile) Emily is a good sport and I can’t wait to see what unfolds in all of your lives! You ROCK!

Jackie Berry - Reply

You will make the BEST grandmother. I so enjoy watching your videos….I am a member of TTU – enjoy the variety of videos…….keep ‘um coming!

Teresa Townsell - Reply

Congratulations! You will love being a grandmother, and that is one lucky baby (and mother)! What a fun phase of life you are entering into! Enjoy!

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