Last week I started this blog where we clean a messy room together.
I explained that the reason I did it was I had a series on “How to Clean a Messy Room” from a long time ago. One of my children moved out of the nest and left a mess and I didn’t want to wait for her to come back and clean it up, so I figured I’d take advantage of the situation and do a video series as I cleaned it up myself.
But it always bugged me, because I was boxing up stuff, not putting stuff away… and I didn’t go through clothes in the closet because the clothing was not mine.
While getting ready to go on a trip to Ireland I was put in that awkward position of packing for a cold weather location while simultaneously getting the warmer weather clothing out of storage.
It quickly made my room a mess, and the fact that I found out I was going on Wednesday and leaving on Sunday made it even easier for my room to become a wreck.
I knew that ignoring the “Do it Now Habit” for a week given my circumstances would create the perfect space to share how to clean a messy room series. I’ve made it super easy to stay in the loop as I add videos to the series.
CLICK HERE to watch videos 1-4
1 Surface and supplies
2 Another surface and Lesson on HOW to keep it clean
3 The infamous CHAIR CATCHALL and picking up things on the floor
4 Closet part 1 Clothes
5 Closet part 2: shoes
6 Sorting and dispersing containers
7 vacuuming and finishing touches
Stay tuned for the final parts. In the next video we will have a part 2 of the closet… SHOES 🙂 Then we will disperse all the items that need to be taken out of the room, dealing with the residual mess that cleaning often comes with and the finishing touches.