I recently had a webinar and Tim (one of my original students) joined it. Someone asked a question about Tidy Tutor University. They said there are so many videos and so much help that I offer on Youtube for free, they wanted to know why they should enroll in my course. What else could I possibly offer.
I answered her but I can’t compete with what Tim wrote in the chat box to the group. Here is what he said.
“The difference between watching youtube, and being a member of TTU is like the difference between a firecracker and an atomic bomb. The support of Kathy and fellow members is very motivating. Plus, you become part of Kathy’s world. A friend who really cares. Net to my mom, Kathy has been the most influential experience of my life. Everything became better, happier, and more meaningful. I tell everyone I meet who may need her help. I am her apostle. lol 🙂 – Tim
I just wanted to put this out there for anyone who is living in chaos and has been trying to find peace. Because I really care so much. Here is a link to find out more about Tidy Tutor University. Www.TheTidyTutor.Com/ttu – I hope you will take the step and enroll.