TIOT – Finally Feel GOOD about getting rid of things!

I really feel that we have found a missing link in the quest
for motivation to really get the house clean. We want a clean
house, and we want to keep it that way, but also we want more.
We want to feel good about how we live and how our home looks.
We also have a hard time getting rid of things, which makes it
kinda hard to have our homes look the way we want them to look.

Clutter and pretty don’t go together.

This is an hour-long live webinar titled “Freedom To Let Go
Using Feng Shui” And in this context we are focusing on letting
go of things. Some of our things really have a hold on us. I really
believe that understanding the importance of what we have
around us and how we have our things arranged in our homes
can impact our lives. It will make it much easier to let go of things,
and to not accept the unacceptable anymore.

This is the first time I have had a guest speaker, and I am so
happy about it. Christine Bove of ChiristineBove.com was with us,
and she has really opened up our eyes and given us motivation to
think differently about our stuff and how we have it all displayed.

Christine helps people find balance in their lives, she helps
people create a peaceful home environemt and workspace
which enhances their lives on all levels. Some of the images
I show in the video will probably make you say what I said…
“THESE people have problems?!” because their homes were
free of clutter and were so lovely. But that is the thing. If subtle
changes can make that much of a difference in people’s lives,
then what is all of this mess doing to us?

Instant motivation!

I really suggest that you watch this webinar, it really rocked.
I got so much out of it, and so did everyone on the call.

If you are not a part of Tidy Tutor University, enroll today
and begin the journey to order that will happen sooner than
you would have believed! There is a limited time discounted

Much Love!



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Lara Garrett Everett - Reply

I really enjoyed this. I recently rearranged my living room and I love it, it really does feel so much better and like a new room. It makes my house feel bigger. One thing I learned from this video is that I shouldn’t have the headboard of my bed against windows in my bed room, but I have very little option. Guess I will have to do some investigating about this. hmmmm

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