Throwback Thursday – Throw it Out Thursday 2012

I decided to do a “Throwback Thursday!”

And I thought my first “Throw it Out Thursday” was a perfect share!

I asked my sister Maria if she would let me video tape her getting rid of stuff. It was 2012! (WOW! I’ve been doing this for a long time!) Emily is in it too, She was only 17! She’s 23 now…

Lots has changed since then, but there is one thing that NEVER CHANGES! We’ve always gotta keep up with our stuff.

I’ll do another Throw it Out Thursday at Maria’s house soon! Now that I live with her it will be super easy too 🙂

So, here is the video below and the original blog. Please leave a comment, let me know if you try a Throw it Out Thursday at your house.

My sister Maria has her sh#! together and I wanted to show you that
those who “do it right” get rid of stuff on a regular basis.

Stuff comes into the house that you don’t want.
Stuff breaks and becomes garbage.
Stuff becomes something that you just don’t want anymore.

So we are getting rid of 21 things!

The reason I chose the number 21 is because 7 is the number for spiritual perfection and 3 is the number for complete (in The Bible).

7×3=21 So, there you go 🙂

Why don’t you join me on my Tidy Tutor Facebook page 🙂

Thanks for being in my world! Comment and let me know what I can do for you. How can I help you live a more organized life?

Much love,
Kathy Roberts

The Tidy Tutor

Tidy tutor University will be starting up again in April. You can get on the waiting list and get Early Bird Status! CLICK HERE

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