Throwback Throw It Out Thursday- From April 2012

I have resurrected Throw it Out Thursday!

Throw it out Thusday is a day dedicated to getting 21 things out of the house. Either trash, donation, selling it, or recycling those things…

Everyone in the world, whether Organzationally Gifted or Organzationally Challenged, needs to get rid of things on a regular basis.

I chose the number “21” because 7 is the number for spiritual perfection
in The Bible and 3 is the number that represents the word “complete.”

7×3=21. Voila!

Today I’m sharing  a video I did from April, 2012. One of the first Throw it out Thursday’s I’ve done.

I visited my sister Maria. She is Organzationally Gifted and we walk around her house looking for things till we get to 21.

Stuff comes into the house that you don’t want.
Stuff breaks and becomes garbage.
Stuff becomes unusable… so many reasons why things we have, need to be reassessed…

Watch the video and please leave me comments about what you’ve gotten rid of and how it made you feel and share this with someone you know
could use it.

Thanks so much for joining me for Throw it Out Thursday.

Join me on my Tidy Tutor Facebook page 🙂

Much love,
Kathy Roberts

The Tidy Tutor

If you want to get organized and live free of clutter but have never been able to do it, my course is for you! Click HERE and get started today! There is a 30 day money back guarantee and support so that you will not fail!

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