Motivation Monday – A Cleaning Game

This was my very first Motivation Monday. It was done Feb 7, 2012!

It is one of my favorites! (Head Phone Allert… Don’t have the kids in the room when you listen to the video or have head phones on, it may sound a bit risqué, as you can probably see in Katie’s face, but I was sincerely clueless at the time. You gotta watch to know what I mean.)

I got organized back in the summer of 1989 when I was pregnant with
child number 4 (Joey). My daughter Katie (the woman in the video with me)
was about 8 at the time and so I set her up with a little system of her own
as soon as I mastered it.

She was a veteran by the time I became The Tidy Tutor and when I
was contemplating what to do for my first Motivation Monday video,
she was at my kitchen table, so I asked her opinion.

She said, “How about C.O.C.?” (more info below) I asked her if she wanted to do it with me and the rest is history 🙂

You really have to watch the video to appreciate it, but I will give you a
little synopsis.

You know how we would rather NOT clean :)? But we want things clean?

Well I figured out a way to get some motivation to do it and get the kids
to help, too.

We call it “Cleaning On Commercials,” or COC for short.

We would watch TV together and then when a commercial came on, we would all jump up and do stuff. We would see how much we could get done until the show come back on.

Katie invented C.I.C. (Clean In-between Chapters) for readers. (It was the first I heard about it while doing the video)

Katie reads a chapter, and then counts the pages of the chapter she read, and then sets a timer for that amount of pages (ten Pages, ten minutes. 20 pages, 20 minutes) and she cleans that amount of time, before she can go back to her book.

Knowing how we tick and working with it, is the key to getting stuff done!

I hope you like the video, let me know what you think!

Much Love to you!
The Tidy Tutor

If you want to get organized and STAY organized, enroll in Tidy Tutor University. You can click HERE and enroll and become part of my Tidy Tutor Family 🙂

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