This video and blog was done in September when most kids go back to school, but it could be applicable for any time of year.
If you are an Organizationally Gifted parent, having an Organizationally Challenged Child can be super frustrating because you just don’t get them.
Why don’t they do what you tell them? It’s because they don’t know how, they can’t put it together. They don’t see processes. what they see is the entire room, all of what has to be done in one big heap, and it triggers overwhelm.
In this video I tell you how to get through to them so that they will be moved to action AND get their room cleaned up!
I’m sorry to tell you though, it won’t be as easy as saying “Go clean your room.” BUT it will be painless and there will be no yelling or frustration, for you or your child.
Scroll down for your child’s “Morning Routine” free printable
If you are OC (Organizationally Challenged) I know it is frustrating for you too because you react the same way to the statement, “Go clean your room.” After all, what other responsibilities do they have!
If we OGP (Organizationally Gifted People) can’t keep our rooms clean and get overwhelmed with housework we shouldn’t be surprised that they do too. And if we could think back to our childhoods it wasn’t much different for us.
I also discuss in the video that sometimes our children aren’t developmentally ready to put these things into place yet without some real step by step instruction, so it also depends on their ages, and what we expect from them that might be just unrealistic.
I explain that telling a child who is OC to, “Go clean your room!” is like telling a child to go play the guitar if they haven’t ever had even one lesson. Honestly, the process of cleaning up and organizing is a learned skill, many are born with it, but most aren’t.
I also go over how we can get our kids to do the things that they need to do every day like make their bed, brush their teeth, get dressed, put their clothes in the hamper, do their chore, do their homework etc without nagging, yelling or frustration.
I included a download of my daughters Daily routine as an example, you’ll understand it completely when you watch the video.
Children crave order, we all do…. But seriously having things in order has a wonderful effect on their behavior. One parent said to me, “I can’t believe it, I have my daughter back!” after she set helped her declutter her room and set up a daily routine for her.
Click on the image of EMILYS DAILY ROUTINE –
to download so you can mimic it for your kids