Have you ever asked God for help with something and just after you did, you were faced with a problem in the exact category you asked for help in?

This has happened to me time and time again, exactly what was challenging me gets in my face and I feel blindsided…

I know the exact thing happens to you too. I’m not special. 🙂

Like when you say: “God, help me lose weight.” Then an unexpected pizza party with your favorite dessert pops up at work.

Or… “Help me earn more money.” Then you break something you now have to repurchase.

Or… “Help me to be more positive.” Then you walk outside to see a parking ticket on your car.

God is not the creator of those issues, He isn’t handpicking events to screw with us.

This is a video I did reading Chapter 1 of James in The Bible. I thought it was applicable to this writing so I’ve included it. It might seem a little weird because I whisper it (experimenting with some ideas I’ve had) but it definitely gets the point and can help clarify some things about what to do when bad things happen.

Here is what happens: When we ask for help we open up a portal to start the flow of help coming to us.

Until we’ve dealt with the things that are OUR own personal brand of sabotage and exercise that muscle for change to begin, the things that trip us up will always be a weakness.

We’ve got to have the opportunity to exercise, to practice, so, we ask for help, the universe that God has designed will deliver it.

Until we’ve mastered that prob or gotten practiced in addressing the pitfalls of life that are our nemesis we will forever fall victim to its devices.

In the past, we’ve felt like we’re always being sideswiped. When in reality, we’ve stepped into boot camp training for freedom, but we didn’t know it.

When we begin practicing resistance, continue to expect abundance, or remain thankful, even when we’re faced with unfavorable situations and circumstances, we’re doing what God instructs in the book of James. We are “letting patience have its perfect work” and the result? We become “perfect, and entire, wanting nothing.” As it also says in James chapter 1.

No one ever said living the high life was going to be easy, but why do we have to think that hard is bad?

Change your perspective. We can’t change what we want to be changed in our lives if we keep doing the same things.

The chance to do things differently… to get a different result… only comes when the opportunities to do them differently come up… they are placed before us as a result of the plea for help, and it’s our response to the help we’ve asked for that gets us into more trouble or the solution we’ve asked for help with.

Let me know if you declare that you want help with something, how the opportunity to flex your muscles shows up, and how you respond to them!


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