If you struggle with getting rid of things, especially things that mean a lot to you, this video will help you to finally let go of that stuff.
While answering someone who left a comment on this particular YouTube video, I noticed that it had over 15,000 views and while checking the comments to see if there were any I had missed, I saw that they were quite heartfelt, so I decided to re-share this video with you as part of this weeks Throw it Out Thursday.
In the video, I use examples from my personal life about discarding things, and my message does become quite emotional.
Now, this video is a recording of something that is normally only for Tidy Tutor Community Members. It is part of what people receive when they enroll in Tidy Tutor University and opt to get added help from me, but I felt like I needed to also share it with you.
Be sure and scroll down to find out about something I wouldn’t want you to miss out on…
The topic came about because of what was shared in our private Facebook group. A member was ready to let go of a cradle that had been in her bedroom for 16 years, and she told the story behind everything that was attached to it.
We heard about her son, now 16 (at the time that she told this story), and she explained the circumstances and story that surrounded that cradle.
At the time of her son’s birth, her father had died, her mother had slipped completely away that same year into dementia, 9-11 came close behind and there were other timely devastating circumstances. She said that the collapsing of the twin towers and the deep feeling of sadness seemed completely symbolic of her life falling down around her.
When the baby grew out of the cradle, it became a catch-all for death certificates, eulogy scribbles, insurance papers and other legal paperwork that had surrounded that time, making it even more of a devastation to address.
In this video, I share my response to her posting and an answer to how to let go of ANYTHING, as well as how to have NO regret at letting go of anything you wish you didn’t get rid of.
Our things have a story. Sometimes it’s a tragic story and detailed like this one, and other times the story is a happy one without much to discuss, but still lots of emotion wrapped in it all. So many of our possessions have stories, and they can keep us trapped in a life we wish could change.
Let me know what you think of the video and how things may have changed for you, regarding letting go of things and finally de-junking. I share some real experiences of my own and it’s quite difficult at times, but so necessary to help you see how you are not alone and with real inspiration to do what it is that you need to do… De-clutter, get out from under and start living.
Here is what I wanted you to scroll down to see… There is something you need to know about. Enrollment in Tidy Tutor University is going up very soon. The price point for TTU has been in place for years, and after all this time, the success rate from students prove that this system works and the help you receive from me is invaluable. So, if you’ve been thinking of enrolling in TTU, now is the time. Please don’t wait and don’t tell me I didn’t warn you 🙂