What it means to be right brained, disorganized and why you’re amazing just as you are

If you have ever wondered why you couldn’t get it together, why you can’t keep the house together and clean, why you can’t learn from those who are the guru’s of organizing no matter how many times you read their books and articles, and why you can’t seem to implement what they are saying to do no matter how hard you try… it is because you don’t think like them and can’t learn from them.

There is something called The Expert Theory. People who are experts cannot teach the novice. They start at step D or E for us (it’s A for them) and we are like,

“Wait! Didn’t you skip some things? What happened to A, B and C?”

For example, they say that we need to prioritize and then put first things first.

We think, “WHAT IS A PRIORITY? HOW CAN I TELL? ISN’T EVERYTHING PRIORITY?” And yea, I’m yelling that, that is what I did reading Steven Covey’s book…

This video is a portion of Tidy Tutor University it is part of session one.

Weather you join TTU or not, you will enjoy this video and it will answer a lot of questions for you as well as helping you to feel good about yourself.

If you have been thinking about enrolling in TTU, now is the time!

Doors close soon. September 15th is the last day to register, TOMORROW!

Here is the link: https://secure.thetidytutor.com/register/ttu-tti/

I really hope you enroll and begin living your life the way you know it SHOULD be lived.

Much Love,

Ps – There is a lot that we have planned between Now and January, you don’t want to miss it all!

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