Part 2 How to Bring Peace and harmony at Home

This is the second part of a video interview I did while visiting one of my Tidy Tutor Grads, Elizabeth, it wasn’t something that I planned, I was visiting because I happened to be driving through and it just happened to turn into a visit.

While there, Elizabeth was gushing about what a difference my course Tidy Tutor University made in her life.

If you need peace and order in your home and in your life I ask you to watch this video.

So many people have courses now days and they promise many things, so many don’t deliver and that makes us skeptical to believe that what someone promises actually is what it says it is.

Please keep in mind that I am not saying what it is here… Elizabeth is.

One of the reasons that Elizabeth decided to take Tidy Tutor University was for her 3 children.

She realized that there was only a short period of time that all of them would be under one roof and with sports and school and trying to balance everything that had to be balanced, everything was becoming very difficult and finding time together without it being a chore was impossible.

In Elizabeth’s family life, meals had become laborious and difficult.

All 3 children had different diet requirements and schedules that had them leaving the house before daybreak and getting home 13 hours later very hungry.

So, in this segment of Elizabeth’s interview we talk about how she and her husband decided to make meal time together a priority and set out, with Tidy Tutor University’s help, to make grocery shopping and meal planning easy.

This saved them thousands of dollars and countless hours. They spent the saved money on a trip to Scotland.

When Elizabeth talked about the money and time she saved because of TTU she said that while it was really a great bonus, mostly it was the peace at home that she valued the most!

There is a plan so there are no longer the late night runs to the store for something needed for school, all of their children needs are taken care of EASILY –

In Elizabeths words: “It brought order and a sense of well being. Not just physical well being, but also emotional well being to the whole family and we’re still going from there, the more we do it, the better it gets.”

I am offering Tidy Tutor University FREE, yup you heard it FREE!

Tidy Tutor University used to be $197.00 and then there was an option to enroll in my Tidy Tutor Insiders VIP support group which is $29.00 a month, for my ongoing support.

In Tidy Tutor insiders there is access to me and all other members inside of a private Facebook group. There are bonus videos and courses included in the members area as well as our Cawfee Talk Central.

Cawfee Tawks are online meetings where we connect live. I give motivation and we talk about specific topics that I feel that we should review. Anyone can ask me any question they like as well.

So here is the deal… I am now giving away TTU with membership. So for the price of membership, $29.00 a month you get Tidy Tutor University for free.

You can be a member for 6 months and still not have paid what Tidy Tutor University was by itself before this offer.

In fact Every coach I ever had told me that I was offering TTU for far too low a fee.

Something that has the benefits ttu has in someones life is too valuable to sell for anything less than $500.00, and if you would have asked me even just a month ago if I would ever offer TTU for free I would have said emphatically NO!

ALSO! I am so convinced that you will feel like it is the very best thing you have ever done for yourself so I am offering a 30 day 100% money back guarantee.

There is no commitment, you can cancel any time.

Click the link: and begin today.

This offer ends September 5th. You will begin immediately the moment you enroll!

There is NO reason to wait!

Spoiler allert… I am planning an online get acquainted TTU orientation week in September and enrollment will not come back around until January.

If you want what Elizabeth has, more peace, more serenity at home, more time to enjoy your family, enroll today.


Here is part 1 if you missed it.