We’ve met for over 11 weeks everyday, during the pandemic. Some days for hours, working on housework and just spending time, supporting each other.
It was so beneficial for everyone. Everybody that’s particpated has gushed over how much they loved the comradery and the work they got done and I gotta tell ya… the time being together was a real blessing.
It ended June 30th, but I want it to continue.
I’ve decided to keep it going, available for everyone, every Thursday in July, @ 2pm EST.
For members inside of my members club called “Tidy Tutor Insiders”, we will meet more often, dates and times tba. (Members check the members area for the schedule)
Maybe we’ll continue in August, I’ll keep you updated. For now, don’t miss this opportunity to work together all through July.
Here is the link https://go.thetidytutor.com/helpwithlove (share it with anyone you think it will help!) so you can register. It has all the information on that page and bonus videos too. Even if you can’t make it, join the Facebook Group be be connected with others who are working on the same things.
I’d love to know how you’re doing and hope to see you on Thursday!