Used on New Site 2024 – Motivation Monday – Clutter, sentimental, declutter, keepsake flowers

I did this video back in May 2012 when my daughter Emily had just attending the Senior Prom, I thought it would be great to re-share today. Let me know what you think. And please scroll down to the bottom of this page to get in on my FREE video Series to get ready for the Summer “Room by Room” 🙂

Have you ever noticed that we keep things WHILE we are so upset about having a cluttered house. We can call these things Sentimental clutter, or clutter keepsakes.

I can understand having that keepsake that we feel so attached too, but one thing I could never understand was why people kept dead flowers. We call them ‘dried flowers’ But really they are just dead.

You know the ones I mean… Corsages from a prom, the bouquet from your wedding, a rose your son gave you when he was 5 for mothers day.


And these flowers hold prominent places in our homes. In a vase on our china closet, laying on it’s side on a dresser and in a bud vase in the kitchen. But… They are covered in cobwebs and dust, have fallen over and behind something and have turned such an odd color that there is no name for it.

Why do we keep these? I say take a picture of the dead freaking thing and get it in a scrapbook. Or get your 5 year old who is now 35 and take a picture with him and the crusty, dusty, once long stemmed rose smiling together, arm in arm.

Let’s get a different perspective on the stuff we feel so dedicated too. And get our homes how we dream they could be.

Much Love to you!


Are you ready for summer?! Do you want to get the house together, prepare for the upcoming season without stress and be able to enjoy it as you go? Here is my free video series CLICK HERE to get my FREE video Series “Get Ready for FU Room by Room!”

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