minimalist living room, diy wall art for living room

There was a request made, asking me to show how I did my living room wall art on the cheep that I had spoken about a few times, so I did a periscope showing how it was done… and here it is.

When I moved from my 4 bedroom house I left with very little possessions in comparison to what I left behind. I didn’t want to fill my new place up with stuff, just because it was what everyone else does, or because I thought I should.

Living here for an entire year with nothing in that room except for a couch, tv, end table and coffee table (which is a fabric hassock that I took with me from the house I left behind and painted to match my color theme, which is turquoise) I felt like I wanted to make it feel like ‘me.’

So after being here for a year, and deciding that I was going to stay put through the summer, I wanted to make my living room feel like I lived here.

My inspiration came from a Pinterest board I had made, that I called “My Funky House”

I created it years ago because I knew I couldn’t afford to fix the old house I was living in, so I though I would collect ideas that would make it the best it could be given it’s current condition.

One thing that I LOVED on that Pinterest board, and thought would be perfect for my living room was a grouping of framed wallpaper, on a very bold colored wall.

I painted one wall, and it was very similar to the one on the Pinterest board that I used for inspiration.

It is a darker version of the color of the backsplash in my kitchen, which is the same color I painted my vanity.  With the advise of my designer friend Donna Domecelli I had the hassock color matched and painted the wall the exact color.

Here is the picture of the Pinterest board. (Let me know what you think of the video!)

Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 2.21.08 PM

Much Love to you!

Kathy Roberts
The Tidy Tutor