I Live in a Foreclosure, Turn-of-the-Centry Farmhouse.

Since March I have been living in a house in great disrepair, and on top of that, the man I moved in with who owns the house (my ex husband) is an Organizationally Challenged Person. (Even with all the 26 years we were married, I never knew it!)

So it wasn’t just the disrepair of the 100+ year old farmhouse I was dealing with, it was also the chaos caused by the stuff he moved into it. 

It was all just randomly dumped… 

We OCP (Organizationally Challenged People) have a high tolerance for disorder and things out of place, especially if there is a REASON for the disorder… such as a house under construction like the one I moved into, or even if there was a flood that affected the home… we OCP simply don’t notice things out of place like the OGP (Organizationally Gifted People) do, and we end up tolerating way more than we should.

Since I moved in, I have to constantly pull myself back, stop and evaluate an area or something that I randomly pass by. If I don’t do that consciously, it would only be a matter of time before I would be living in a way that is totally unacceptable for me at this point.

Usually we get snapped out of a subpar existence when we’ve been visiting a friend or family member whose home is well kept and clean.

A lovely space with everything in its place snaps us back to reality and we are then able to SEE things we just couldn’t before.

It is so easy to accept what is unacceptable when we’ve been desensitized to it or we have a REASON for a particular state that our space is in. 

When I first moved into this place, I had to accept the conditional it was in.  There was no way everything could be addressed all at once, and I adjusted my attitude to fit the circumstances. There is nothing wrong with that…

You may be in that position too, where you know that whatever shape the place is in… it all can’t be addressed at one time. BUT at some point we realize that our tolerance has reached a super OMG What the HELL??!! level.

You’ve got to ask yourself this question, the same one I asked myself:

“What the F*** are you doing?! You have to find a way to make it so that it doesn’t suck here!”

We’ve got to push ourselves to SEE things that our nature pushes us not to see.

Since I’ve been here, I have made myself do what I could do, I got sooooo much done and I’m going to keep this going.

If you want a jumpstart doing the same thing I am, If you’ve been putting off things and want help to get started… I’m hosting a Declutter Day Live this Sunday on March 1st. 

Here is how it will go… You sign up, then I send you, via email all the info you need to attend.

I have 3 sessions available for us to meet live online to declutter or do whatever it is that you need to do at home that you’ve been putting off.

You can show up for each session or any that suits you. Here are our scheduled meeting times: 9am-12pm, 2pm-4pm and again 6pm-8pm EST (New York Time)

The fee is $47.00. Show up for one session and for less than $25.00 an hour you have my undivided attention, help and dedicated time to give you the push you need. Now, if you show up for another session or two, you just stepped into the bargain of the century. 

Click the link below to sign up! https://go.thetidytutor.com/declutterdaycheckout See you Sunday!! 

Love, Love, Love!