Week 1 What do We Want Wednesday!


Since it is January, I had this idea…

A weekly Email, and I’m calling it: What do you Want Wednesday!

It’s important to remember, what it is you wanted when you got started with TTU.

It is important to keep in mind always something that has struck a chord, that instigated a plan or a change, because as time goes by we forget and something else creeps in to take its place and so on and so on.

That leaves us never getting anything we want because we don’t stay the course long enough with any one thing to make what we want to happen actually happen.

We get very committed to things we want at the onset because the emotion is strong.

But emotions are funny things, they are usually influenced by outside sources. How do we keep it going when the influence doesn’t exist anymore?

We have to create a trigger to help us remember on purpose to keep those emotions alive!

We need to keep that feeling going, or it will just fade, and the desire also will fade along with it.

We will not take any action when we lose desire, and that is why, so often, we don’t get what we want.

So I am going to send that same note that I’ve written above every Wednesday, to remind you to remember what you want… and add a message from me to help motivate you to keep going.

Be sure to write down what you want, if the emotion has gone, bring it back again. Remember what it is you wanted and why, and write it down. – Look at it every day.

Let’s start a thread on our Facebook group every Wednesday touching base and letting each other know that we are still on track and we can post what it is every week that we are “Remembering.”

Note for Today 1-6-15: Be clear about what you need to do today. Take a second and think, what one thing can you do today to bring you closer to your goal? Then make a plan to do that one thing.

Regarding the house: No matter where you are, begin on today’s To-Dos. If you are just getting started with TTU do this weeks assignments. Your weekly plan, your morning routine, pay attention to the habits you’ve learned. Get committed!

If you are a seasoned TTU grad, No matter what is going on, be sure to just begin. Open up your binder and do what it tells you. Don’t pay attention to anything around you but your plan, everything else is scheduled in and you will get to it.

Recommit to your desire to live an organized life every day no matter how wonderfully or not so wonderfully things are going.

CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. Be sure to be aware of the uncurious clutter. Remember that it doesn’t take longer to put the garbage in the pail as it does to toss it on the counter. It doesn’t take longer to put the towel on the hook as it does on the floor.

It only takes seconds to make your bed and do a dish that you’ve used. This is important to keep your home tidy, and to resist the futile feeling that often comes when the house is a mess. We feel like we can’t think about a goal we want to see come alive.

Everyone in the household (including you) cleaning up after themselves is what kicks every excuse to the curb! Things can pop up and keep us from cleaning the top of the fridge or under the couch, but nothing can ever pop up that stops us from cleaning up after ourselves, and that is how we maintain order and sanity, and are able to easily get back on track when life throws us a curve 🙂

More next week,


Leave a Reply 8 comments

ivoryii - Reply

Kathy, I really like this idea. Thank you!

    The Tidy Tutor - Reply

    Thanks Paula! Another one will be here every week. We can comment on each week’s message to stay in touch and motivated.

    The Tidy Tutor - Reply

    Your welcome! 🙂 I like it too.

Baheejah - Reply

It helps for me to be reminded a lot to clean after myself. One thing I don’t know how it isn’t a excuse is when I cook using pots or spill something on the floor and it’s everywhere, my baby starts screaming or my toddler starts wandering off to another room
Or both. I really have a hard time finishing tasks when my little ones need me. Then I often get sidetracked after tending to them.

    The Tidy Tutor - Reply

    I understand completely. Think about what the OG does in those cases. 1. If the baby is crying, depending on the reason of course, they will clean up the mess and then tend to the baby. It is a balancing act for sure. The baby that wanders out of the room, we are training them to know a particular drill. “Get back in here, mommy has to clean up.” And then deal with the complaining or fussing or crying cause it is part of their learning. The OGP call for help in that case, not seeing that “not cleaning up a mess” is an option.

rosegallant - Reply

Reading this on Feb 2/2016. Needed it 🙂

maddybetidy - Reply

Yeay for TT! x

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