In September of 2016 I took a drive to Virginia by myself, from NJ it is about a 7 hour trip.
Elizabeth, a member of my Tidy Tutor Family knew about it from a Facebook Post and private messaged me.
She let me know that her home was located half way into my journey, and since I was traveling alone, she wanted me to know her phone number in case I ran into any kind of trouble I could call.
She said she had a great big Italian husband and all of his family was close by, if I got stuck or needed anything I could count of their family to help me.
I made sure I called her when I was at my destination safely and thanked her for the piece of mind.
She wanted me to know that on the way back, the same deal applied.
Well, on the way back I stopped and met her for lunch, then she invited me to her home.
Once there, Elizabeth went on and on with what Tidy Tutor University had done for her family life, her home, their finance, and the relationships within her home, it was so amazing I asked her if she would be ok with doing an interview and if she would allow me to share it.
She was, and that is the video on this page.
I have broken it up into parts and this is part 1 (look for part 2 tomorrow).
I didn’t know why I had put off posting this video, but it felt like I needed to wait. Now I know why.
I am giving Tidy Tutor University away for free! This came to me by inspiration and no matter how many people tell me that I’m nuts for doing it, I am doing it.
If you haven’t watched the video on this page, please do…
Now, let me explain how I plan on getting TTU to you free of charge.
Tidy Tutor University is normally $197.00 (I have been told that I should charge $500 by every business coach I had but I refused, even having 1/2 price sales throughout the year) I wanted it affordable to everyone.
For everyone who was enrolled in TTU I offered Tidy Tutor Insiders which is a monthly membership where I offer ongoing support, bonus courses and videos, live online meetings, a private Facebook group and a lot more for $29.00 a month.
I am offeing Tidy Tutor University FREE with membership.
I am also giving a 30 day 100% money back guarantee, as well as the opportunity to cancel any time you like. No need to belong for any specified period of time.
Here is the link!
Offer ends September 5th. You can begin right away and as a spoiler alert I am planning an orientation week in September!
Enrollment will not open up again until January, if you want the best holiday season you have ever had, this is the best time to begin!
CLICK HERE and Get Started!