This might seem super simple but it is one of the most important things to haven place to get control of your life. Having a daily routine to follow and doing it without distraction. There are free templates I provide and you can get them by clicking on the link https://go.thetidytutor.com/routine-templates . I have a daily routine template and a meal planning template (I’ll do another video explaining the meal plan.
I include an example of my daily routine and an example of a daily routine for children. Inside this video I give you plenty of motivation to actually make this happen for you. I hope you’ll watch the video and let me know what you think. This might seem super simple but it is one of the most important things to haven place to get control of your life. Having a daily routine to follow and doing it without distraction. There are free templates I provide and you can get them by clicking on the link. I have a daily routine template and a meal planning template (I’ll do another video explaining the meal plan) I include an example of my daily routine and an example of a daily routine for children. Inside this video I give you plenty of motivation to actually make this happen for you. I hope you’ll watch the video and let me know what you think.
If you want help to finally get it together at home and a proven system that helps you keep it that way for good CLICK HERE for more info.