Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Holiday Stress Free

No more holiday overwhelm.

This is my rendition of “Twas The Night Before Christmas by Marcus Tidmarsh, newly titled: Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Kathy Roberts. Have a stress free holiday.

Be happy anyway, don’t stress the day, it will come and go with or without a good attitude and happiness in your heart, you might as well be happy in your heart.

Here a few kids and some of their friends join in, to make a point about holiday time.

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Scott Morris - Reply

You always surprise and inspire me with your great insights. The stuff you teach us is not just about getting organized, these are life lessons that will light the path for anyone who prioritizes the wrong stuff and lives in stress as a result. Love that Tidy Tutor, thanks, sam.

    Katherine Rizzo Roberts - Reply

    Thank you for your Kind words Scott. You being my coach for so long I can not take the credit all myself. You helped me see that my transparent nature is an asset, thank you for that invaluable advise.

    The Tidy Tutor - Reply

    Thank You so much Scott for taking the time to comment and for your kind words.

Micheline Pickersgill Clawson - Reply

Thanksgiving, organization, stress. What a great poem Kathy thanks for sharing it is so true.

    The Tidy Tutor - Reply

    You are so welcome Micheline 🙂 Thank you for the comment

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