Spring Has Sprung!

It was spring a few days ago and I started to do some “prepare for Spring Videos”.

Here is the first one, look for a series of preparing for spring videos in your mail box.

If you are not hooked up with me via email get your name and email in so that you won’t miss-a-one (Look on the sidebar to the right, you can get your name and email in there!)

Christmas was 3 months ago and so no matter where you are in the world, even if the weather is like summer now, or if it will be really cold for a lot longer than it will for me we still are moving ahead with our calendar.

So, today I ask you to start at your front door and see if there is anything that is from Christmas time still out.

Maybe there are some ornaments you meant to get back in the attic, or warping paper that is barely noticeable standing up on the side of your china closet.

Maybe your front door still looks a little Christmassy.

Then look  around to see if there is any kinds of “Winter” decorations that you could put away now, or things that you definitely won’t be using till next winter.

I have a neighbor who just threw out their live Christmas tree about 3 weeks ago! And they have it all together, that family is Organizationally Gifted from the top to the bottom.

Sometimes stuff happens in life, and we all get a bit behind…

I look forward to hearing about what it is you have done would love to see pictures too!

Talk Soon!


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ivoryii - Reply

I had to laugh because the first thing you told us to do is walk into the house and see if anything’s left from Christmas. A wreath hangs on an indian ceramic head I have. I’ll post in TTU private page. It’s gonna be a busy weekend. 🙂

    The Tidy Tutor - Reply

    I saw the picture! I gotta tell ya, it scared me a little! LOL How hysterical. It’s early in the season, a little each day will do it.

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