Throw-back Throw it Out Thursday in The Kitchen

This is a Throw it out Thursday from 2013!

I loved watching it, for the nostalgia (the cat in the background, the old house I lived in, even the kitchen curtains that I hated made me happy to see again.)

Since Thursday’s are also known as “Throw Back Thursday” This fits the bill, and the help is still on target.

We talk about doing a sweep of our kitchen.

My daughter Emily suggested that I move the Pots to where I had my Tupperware, and move my Tupperware where I had my pots because I had no room for pots, and a lot of empty space in the Tupperware cabinet. As I was doing the switch I noticed a piece of Corningware that I NEVER used and even though it was good, and fit just fine in the cabinet, I got rid of it.

So I give the challenge to go through your kitchen and do a Throw it Out Thursday!

Do you have Thomas The Train plates and your son is 13? Do you have sippy cups and no little children in the house anymore? What do you have in your cabinets and drawers that you don’t love, don’t use and or don’t need anymore?

Too much stuff is our number one obstetrical when trying to get it together and to stop living in a mess. We can not organized clutter. You will be so surprised how much easier it is to keep the kitchen clean without all the excess that you won’t even miss.

Take a few minutes and open up your cabinets and drawers, have a bag in hand and start tossing things in it. It will take no time and make such a difference when you are done.

I would love to hear about what you came up with to get rid of!

Much Love to you!




