It’s “You’re Welcome Wednesday!”
Can you think of something that is being neglected that you really like at home and you need to show some appreciation for?
*Do you have a porcelain figure you love but it’s covered in dust?
*Do you have a vanity that is covered with stuff?
*A coffee station that has become a catch-all?
*Do you have a favorite space that you can’t use because of the clutter in it?*What about something simple, like a mirror you love that has finger prints and smudges on it?

Do something today to spruce up something or some space that you want to show appreciation for so you can call more of what you love into your life.
If you don’t have much time, then make it something simple that can be done in a few minutes. And if you do have some more time, choose something that requires a little more effort and dig in with gratitude.
We are having a housework / declutter day tomorrow (Every Thursday at 2pm EST). Here is the link to join! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kfuuvrz8sGdcIUZwUDj7VUjH9wezxRCFB
Let me know how you do!