Introducing! Toss out Tuesday! The first post of its kind!
This Tuesday let’s talk about underwear. Those items of clothing that we put on under our clothing on the bottom portion of our bodies.
Check them out, are there any that have seen a better day?
Are there too many of them?

Did you get some as a gift (Underwear are a big gift for men I have noticed from their kids and moms) and you haven’t gotten rid of the old ones? (Sorry if you’re a prince as you can see on the image I say “princess”. But I couldn’t fit it in… If you’re a guy, please just adapt it to fit for you… not the panties the concept)
Are there some underwear that have holes in them? Do a Tuesday Toss! And upgrade your life one little step at a time.
Let me now how you did!
PS – If you need to get it together and you want to work with me for an absolute bargain, CLICK HERE for more info.