Get more space at home, How can I get organized?

If you have tons of DVD’s and they are taking up a lot of space I say get rid of the packaging. Sometimes clutter can be something that you want, and even can be where it technically belongs but um… it doesn’t make you happy.

This is one step in getting organized, rethinking what you think has to be. It is a way of organizing that you may not have thought of.

For example: The DVD’s we have, they can take up tons of space! Do we need the packageing? All of that fluff is just a marketing tool. In this video I show you what I do with my videos. You might not like it, but so many people have sent me emails about how happy it made them, that I have to suggest to give it a try.

So, watch the video and find out!

The Tidy Tutor

Leave a Reply 2 comments

Lara Garrett Everett - Reply

Kathy! Did you know that you can take VHS’s to places like Costco and they will put VHS movies on DVD! I’m not sure of the cost, but for some people it might be cheaper than getting the converter machine. However, I have considered getting a converter and charging people to do this for them, that way the machine pays for itself. In a nutshell, I just really want to keep the few videos of my daughter when she was little, so I think I’d go to Costco. <3

Debbie Wolf Wilson Knox - Reply

I bought the machine and it won’t record anything the tab has been removed from. The tab you break yourself on the home movies so no one can film over them once your done filming on it. I will try costco sound great to me. Kathy Boy we have shelves of movies 800 plus you make sense. IKnow your right, but i don’t know if I can take them out of their sleeve. ;o0

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