I was sitting on my front porch that I changed quite drastically in decor. The reason was because I began dabbling in minimalism. I was trying to find out, what it was all about, and was it for me?
The reason I decided to look into becoming minimalist was because after checking it out I found that people, who were minimalists did not begin on that road because they were a mess and the mess was making life complicated. These people were orderly, they had lots of stuff, but their stuff was organized and all of it was in it’s proper place, they didn’t live with clutter.
I found that minimalists discovered that they were happier with less stuff. So I thought, let me try it, even though we, in Tidy Tutor World, get rid of things on a regular basis. We know that our number one obstacle is too much stuff.
I discovered some things during this process, and I am still discovering things, and that is what I am sharing with you now.Backtrack a few weeks: I stepped onto my porch and I thought about a picture that I saw on the web that I was considering making it look like,
but I thought I couldn’t because I had things in there that I really liked.
And that made me realize that my things had more power over me than they should. I would NOT do what I wanted to do because of my things, and that didn’t seem right, so… I decided to do it.
I put the things from my porch into another room, and they are living right now on top of my piano
As I was working on it, I was getting happier and happier and I was thinking that I really loved it.
But here is the thing, now that it’s done, I’m not sure if it’s me.
I did another video where I talk about how maybe there is a script written for us before we were born. For example: I am an italian woman, from NJ who has a bunch of kids and I have a big family and I have a home and I stay put. These things are a part of my world, this is what I do.
But maybe that was a script written for me before I was even born. And maybe I can write my own book now.
While I do love the room, it almost scares me, because I am such an easy going person, I don’t like to stress anything. is it possible to not stress all white?
Will my little grand daughter be able to walk into it with chalk on her hands from drawing on the sidewalks outside? And could we have a Tea Party with cupcakes out there? I suppose we could, but not without me being a pain in the ass about it, right?
Also, I had a bench swing in there that I loved to sit on, the baby loved it too, but it doesn’t work in there now. I can get a white one, but I don’t want to go out and buy something else. So, I don’t know if I cared as much as I thought I did to have the room different.
To be honest, when I look at the pictures from the way the room looked before, I liked it, so we are going to explore a whole bunch of stuff.
It’s all about living your authentic life and not being encumbered by so many things that we are not living our life, instead we are managing our stuff.
I still believe that less is better, but really it isn’t a new concept because 100 years ago, they only had what they needed, probably 50 years ago they only had what they needed, if something broke you go it repaired.
So we’ll continue on with this, I still have things to do, some touch ups and trim to paint and stuff. So until then thanks a lot for coming along with me on this journey. If you are on the road to find the authentic you by decluttering and getting rid of stuff please leave a comment, I would love to know how things are going for you.
The Tidy Tutor